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Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

calisthenics near me

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outdoor fitness equipment

Calisthenics near me

If you want to try a fun and different workout, search for: “calisthenics near me” or “calisthenics park near me”. Here you will find a training area near you where you can do an effective and fun challenge using only your own body weight and gravity. This can be challenging and can be adjusted to your fitness level to give you a good and different kind of exercise.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We produce equipment that facilitates calisthenics for public authorities, housing associations, schools and other institutions and help you find the best solution for the outdoor space you have available.

Where can I find calisthenics gym near me?

Calisthenics is a form of exercise where you use your body weight to challenge yourself through different exercises. These can be pull-ups, push-ups or squats, for example, so you don’t necessarily need to use equipment. However, it makes the workout a lot more fun if you can use equipment such as ropes or a bar to increase the difficulty of your exercises. 

If you want to find calisthenics near me, try researching local parks or school grounds to see if they have equipment you can use for training. This way you can use the area as an outdoor gym where you can strengthen your body. Search for “calisthenics gym near me” and discover a new way to work out.

At NOORD we collaborate with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLAND, schønherr and many others with our equipment, production, design and more.
outdoor fitness equipment

Find calisthenics near Dallas

If you live in Dallas (Texas) and are looking for “calisthenics near me”, we’ve gathered the best suggestions for parks where you can train outdoors:

  • Outdoor Gym Germany Park
  • White Rock Lake
  • Bachman Lake Outdoor Gym
  •  Calisthenics Park Balch Springs
  • Vitruvian Park


NOORD is a Scandinavian company that designs, develops, and manufactures sports equipment for public parks, schools, and other public spaces. All our products are made from 100% recyclable steel and we are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible.

When you work with us, you also get equipment that is extremely durable. In this way, we develop products that can last for many years and require minimal maintenance.

Read more about calisthenics gym or full body calisthenics workout or find your answer for “calisthenics near me” by searching on the map in your area.

Read more about our projects
Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD träningsutrustning i Tom Lee Park Installationen av NOORDs träningsutrustning i Tom Lee Park främjar inte bara motion och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tom Lee...

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Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj utomhuspool

Bellahøjs utomhuspool får ny gummibeläggning Förbättrad simupplevelse: Den uppgraderade utomhuspoolen Bellahøj erbjuder nu en förbättrad simupplevelse med en ny halkfri och genomsläpplig gummibeläggning. Denna uppgradering ger ett extra lager av...

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Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Detta är ett fantastiskt projekt på Gansevoorthalvön i Hudson River Park som kommer att resultera i ett nytt rekreationsområde för New York-borna. Området byggdes ursprungligen på...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

full body calisthenics workout

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Full body calisthenics workout

With a full body calisthenics workout, you train your entire body using only gravity and your own body weight as the load for the training. It’s therefore an effective way to strengthen your body where you can adjust the exercises to suit your level.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We produce equipment that facilitates a full body calisthenics workout or OCR for public authorities, housing associations, schools and other institutions and help you find the best solution for the outdoor space you have available.

Effective full body calisthenics workout

At NOORD, we design and develop equipment for outdoor training areas where it is possible to do a full body calisthenics workout. We have equipment that is optimal for training the upper muscle groups as well as equipment that focuses on strengthening the lower body. However, much of our equipment is designed with the purpose of being able to do many different exercises with them. That’s why you’ll never get bored training on our equipment, as you can always add a new addition to the exercises.

The tools are therefore a tool to help you do the exercises in a fun and different way. For outdoor training areas, our Spirer Battle Rope is especially popular as it facilitates a fun workout that increases both strength and heart rate.

We collaborate with companies like ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLAND, schønherr and many others with our equipment, production, design and much more to make the best gear possible.
outdoor fitness equipment

Full body calisthenics workout plan

We have created a full body calisthenics workout plan where you can get inspiration for what exercises you can do. You can start by doing these exercises 2-3 times a week, after which you can gradually add more repetitions or do them more frequently.

  • 10 leg raises
  • 10 sit-ups
  • 30 second plank
  • 10 dips
  • 15 squats
  • 15 walking lunges

Outdoor training areas with a focus on the environment

We have created several training areas in parks and schools around the country for schools as well as for full body calisthenics workout. Our equipment is always designed to meet our customers’ wishes, where we can adapt the gear to the desired location. We also provide aesthetic equipment to match the surroundings. Among other things, it is possible to choose from 180 colors for our products, so you can get exactly the training area you dream of.

Read more about our projects

Bingfield Park

Ny och förbättrad park med utrustning från NOORD Tillskottet av NOORDs träningsutrustning främjar inte bara fysisk aktivitet och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tillskottet av olika...

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Faciliteter för fysisk aktivitet Under 2019 bjöds NOORD in för att bidra till Aktivitetsringen vid Svanemøllen. Målet var att skapa ett projekt där ”utformningen av lekanläggningar och anläggningar för fysisk...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

Bytorv i Postdam fick utomhusträningsutrustning Vi på NOORD är glada över att vara representerade på detta magnifika nya torg i Potsdam, som är både ett historiskt och modernt utrymme som...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

exercise equipment for home

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Exercise equipment for home

Exercise equipment for home training can be used for workouts where you can train different muscle groups in the body. You don’t need to be affiliated with a fitness center to get an optimal workout.

At NOORD we design, develop, and manufactures sports equipment for public parks, small urban spaces, and much more.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We make equipment for both private and public use, which can be used for exercise equipment for home or for outdoor training areas. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your next project.

Workout with exercise equipment for home

When training at home, there are many exercises you can do. You don’t even need to buy exercise equipment for home, as many exercises can be done without equipment. For example, you can do squats, push-ups or sit-ups. 

If you want to increase the level of your workouts, it can be a good idea to get equipment that can contribute positively to your workouts. You don’t need to buy heavy weights or large machines, you can just buy simple equipment. For example, you can buy our Spirer Incline Bench, which is great for doing effective abdominal exercises or our Spirer Parallel Bar, which can train large parts of the body.

This type of training is called Calisthenics, where you use your own body weight as resistance to perform exercises with little or no equipment. This is an effective way to train endurance and strength.

At NOORD we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLAND, schønherr and many others with our equipment, production, design and much more.
outdoor fitness equipment

Use it as a free space

For many, exercising is a break from everyday life where you can focus on one thing – strengthening your body. If you have a daily routine where you’re often busy and running around, it can be a good idea to find time to exercise. At NOORD, we’ve designed several public outdoor gym areas where you can just show up and use the equipment. It doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult to exercise. If you prefer to exercise at home, you can get exercise equipment for home.

If you are considering creating an outdoor training area for your school or park, contact us to find out more about how we can help you.

Read more about our projects

Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Park area with durable fitness equipment from NOORD

Parks with SUDS technology

Stadsparker med SUDS-teknik och träningsutrustning Parker runt om i världen håller på att omvandlas till multifunktionella områden som fungerar både som grönområden och som lokala vattenuppsamlings- och dräneringsanläggningar. Detta sker...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

Outdoor gym near me

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Outdoor gym near me

Are you looking for an outdoor gym near me where you can train your whole body? With NOORD’s training equipment, you can increase your strength and cardio through calisthenics exercises in our outside training areas.
Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

Are you looking for an outdoor gym near me where you can have an effective workout, or are you looking for training equipment for a local training area or maybe for schools? Let us help you find the right solution.

Where can I find an outdoor gym near me?

Simply searching “outdoor gym near me” can make it difficult to find the right training area. In general, there are many workout areas in parks, schools or other public places around the cities. However, this doesn’t mean that these are good places that offer optimal opportunities for an effective session.

At NOORD, we sell equipment for outdoor gyms and training areas, where we focus on making gear that is both sustainable, aesthetic and functional. If you’re looking for the perfect equipment for your outdoor training area, we offer high-quality equipment tailored for the most optimal training. 

We are proud to say, that we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLAND, schønherr and many others with our equipment, production, design and much more.
outdoor fitness equipment

Outdoor gym in Oklahoma

There are many outdoor gyms near you in the state of Oklahoma, and we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 with outdoor training facilities:

  • Okeene City Park
  • Bethal Creek Park
  • Cleeveland Street Trailhead
  • Roye Park
  • S. Roberts Park

Outdoor gym in Atlanta

If you live in Atlanta and are looking for an “outdoor gym near me”, we have five suggestions for great parks where you can have an effective workout outside:

  • Piedmont Park
  • Arrow Creek Park
  • Underwood Hills Park
  • Pinnacle Park
  • Dupree Park

Equipment for outdoor training area

Our equipment is designed to withstand different climates and has a long lifespan. We’ve also made sure that it’s vandal-proof, which of course is a risk with tools that are placed in public areas. Our gear therefore creates the perfect opportunity to create an outside training area. It’s also a great way to socialize together, where an outdoor gym near me can be a place where you meet with your colleagues or friends and workout together.
By training on our equipment, you use the calisthenics gym method, where you use your own body weight as a load for the workout. This is a great way to increase strength, where you can tailor the exercises to your own fitness level.
Read more about our projects
Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitnesspark i Roskilde, Danmark

Elegant fitnesspark i Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness har levererat en fitnesspark med träningsredskap för utomhusbruk och wetpour-gummibeläggning till Roskilde kommun i Danmark. Placeringen av parken har valts så att...

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Bingfield Park

Ny och förbättrad park med utrustning från NOORD Tillskottet av NOORDs träningsutrustning främjar inte bara fysisk aktivitet och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tillskottet av olika...

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Park area with durable fitness equipment from NOORD

Parks with SUDS technology

Stadsparker med SUDS-teknik och träningsutrustning Parker runt om i världen håller på att omvandlas till multifunktionella områden som fungerar både som grönområden och som lokala vattenuppsamlings- och dräneringsanläggningar. Detta sker...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

calisthenics gym

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Calisthenics outdoor gym

We offer calisthenics gym equipment of the highest quality, focusing not only on functionality but also on aesthetics and minimal maintenance.
At Noord we customize all solutions, where our razor-sharp architects and engineers design your options, outdoor spaces and offers.
Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We produce calisthenics gym equipment for public authorities, housing associations, schools and other institutions, helping you find the best solution for the outdoor space you have available.

Sustainable equipment with low maintenance

We have a strong focus on sustainable production of our calisthenics gym equipment as well as equipment for OCR, Obstacle Course race. Our products are made from 100% recyclable steel and under production conditions with the highest standards.
In addition, we know that outdoor fitness equipment like these need to be low maintenance as well as weatherproof, as they must be able to withstand all kinds of weather without significant wear and tear. This therefore also gives our products like our calisthenics gym a longer lifespan. You can read more about sustainability profile here here.
We have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others with our equipment, production, design and much more.
outdoor fitness equipment

Where can you find an outdoor calisthenics gym?

There can be many options for finding an outdoor calisthenics gym. Often they are located around parks or schools where the purpose is to encourage physical activity.

In general, it often has a positive effect when municipalities choose to invest in the health of their citizens through exercise areas. At NOORD, we always focus on designing and developing exercise areas that make it fun to exercise.

Get inspiration for exercises

On our product page, it’s always possible to find inspiration for exercises that you can do on our equipment. It is also possible to see which muscle groups are focused on, so you can customize your training according to what you want to focus on.

It’s also possible to see inspiration for your training space and previous projects we’ve done. If you need help setting up an outdoor calisthenics gym, simply contact us to find out how we can help you.

Multifunctional calisthenics gym

Our products, park furniture, are designed to not only be effective for this form of bodyweight training, but we have also focused on designing products that are multifunctional and can be used for a variety of exercises, training styles and age groups.
With products for calisthenics gym like the Monkey Bar, which can be used for OCR for both children and adults, as well as our battle ropes, which can be used for play, training or socializing outdoors.
Read more about our projects
Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD träningsutrustning i Tom Lee Park Installationen av NOORDs träningsutrustning i Tom Lee Park främjar inte bara motion och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tom Lee...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

Scandinavian Center i Århus erbjuder gratis utomhusträning I Århus finns det gott om möjligheter att motionera och träna utomhus. En av de platser där det är möjligt att träna gratis...

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Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitnesspark i Roskilde, Danmark

Elegant fitnesspark i Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness har levererat en fitnesspark med träningsredskap för utomhusbruk och wetpour-gummibeläggning till Roskilde kommun i Danmark. Placeringen av parken har valts så att...

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Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj utomhuspool

Bellahøjs utomhuspool får ny gummibeläggning Förbättrad simupplevelse: Den uppgraderade utomhuspoolen Bellahøj erbjuder nu en förbättrad simupplevelse med en ny halkfri och genomsläpplig gummibeläggning. Denna uppgradering ger ett extra lager av...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

calisthenics at home

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Calisthenics at home

Get inspiration on how to practice calisthenics at home using public facilities at fitness parks or park workout areas.
At Noord we are specialized in this form of training and how the accessible public equipment provides an efficient and effective workout.
Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

If you are interested in setting up a calisthenics at home training area close to your apartment building, work, school or other institution, we are ready to give you a quote on how our outdoor equipment can contribute to effective bodyweight training.

Train muscles naturally without overloading

This form of training using your own body weight has recently become hugely popular as you can do it virtually anywhere and at any time. It offers both a freedom but also an opportunity to train outdoors in the fresh air and get away from the gym.
Doing calisthenics at home or in public areas with the available equipment ensures a suitable workout without overloading your body with too much weight. Fitness equipment such as those you find in our catalog is both simple to use and ensures the right positions and training patterns.
This is both our Spirer Monkey Bar as well as our Spirer Straight bench. You can find out more about other products and categories as outdoor training, park workout equipment as well as kids gymnastics equipment.
outdoor fitness equipment

What does it take to do calisthenics at home

When doing this type of exercise at home, it’s a good idea to invest in equipment that can help you. Calisthenics uses both body weight and gravity to strengthen the body through exercises.

If you want to do calisthenics at home, we have suggested different exercises that you can include in your home workout. First, it’s a good idea to warm up your body. This can be done by jogging on the spot or by doing breathing exercises. This could be exercises such as jumping jacks, skipping or burpees. Once your body is warm, you can move on to the exercise.

Examples of challenging exercises

If you have a pull-up bar, you can use it to do a pull-up. It can be an advantage to use an elastic band to help with the movement. You can also get a bench that you can use to do crunches or dips to work your triceps.

A skipping rope can also be a fun way to exercise your body. This focuses more on endurance, where you’ll quickly feel yourself catching your breath.

It’s also possible to do calisthenics at home without equipment, where you can do exercises such as squats, crunches and leg raises.

Multifunctional training equipment for your calisthenics at home

In addition to your calisthenics training at home, we recommend that you use outdoor equipment, which you can often find in parks, nature areas, near residential complexes and close to schools or other institutions.
Here you’ll often find equipment for OCR, obstacle course racing, which is great to use for training with your own body weight.
As a outdoor fitness manufacturer we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.
Read more about our projects
Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

Bytorv i Postdam fick utomhusträningsutrustning Vi på NOORD är glada över att vara representerade på detta magnifika nya torg i Potsdam, som är både ett historiskt och modernt utrymme som...

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Bingfield Park

Ny och förbättrad park med utrustning från NOORD Tillskottet av NOORDs träningsutrustning främjar inte bara fysisk aktivitet och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tillskottet av olika...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

Scandinavian Center i Århus erbjuder gratis utomhusträning I Århus finns det gott om möjligheter att motionera och träna utomhus. En av de platser där det är möjligt att träna gratis...

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Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

Home workout no equipment

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Home workout with no equipment - Inspiration for training

Knowing the right exercises for home workout with no equipment can be difficult, but with equipment using your body weight you can easily and effectively train your body.
This form of training is also known as calisthenics.
Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We make outdoor equipment for public and private use that is suitable for home workout with no equipment, as with this equipment you use your own body weight. You can contact us for a quote or find inspiration in our previous projects.

Equipment using your own body weight

There are many ways to train, and one of them is using your own body weight with calisthenics equipment. This way you can make training easy and effective without having to spend a lot of money on dumbbells and other equipment.
So when you want a home workout with no equipment, find the nearest fitness park or training area where you can train using your own body weight for free and in the fresh air. The benefits of going to outdoor areas for calisthenics, for example, are that you can train anywhere, anytime.
outdoor fitness equipment

Inspiration to home workouts with no equipment

When you start exercising, it’s a good idea to warm up your body first. This can be done by jogging on the spot or by doing exercises like jumping jacks or angel jumps. Once your body is warm, you can move on to these home exercises with no equipment.


  • 10 squats
  • 10 lunges
  • 30-second plank
  • 10 abdominal crunches


  • 15 burpees
  • 10-15 push-ups
  • 15 squats
  • 15 leg raises
  • 1 minute plank

With a workout like this, you’ll easily feel your body being challenged and strengthened. If you find some of the exercises too easy or difficult, you can always adjust the number of repetitions. In general, it’s more important that you do the exercise fully than how many repetitions you do.

Effective training with just your body weight

Some people believe that you can only have an effective workout if you train with heavy weights and not do home workout with no equipment. This is definitely not true. Our equipment such as our garden gym equipment is based on a training method called Calisthenics. Here you use body weight and gravity to challenge and strengthen your body. 
Therefore, there are many different ways to train than by going to your local fitness center. Do you need a local training area in your municipality? At NOORD, we are always ready to help design and develop training areas with our quality equipment. Contact us to learn more.

Outdoor training - Try backyard home workout with no equipment

At Noord, we work with authorities for public outdoor fitness areas, as well as housing associations that want fitness areas in a backyard or backyard to give their residents the opportunity to do home workouts with no equipment.
We customize aesthetic solutions with sustainable products that require minimal maintenance. Find out more about our outdoor training, park workout equipment as well as kids gymnastics equipment.
As a outdoor fitness manufacturer we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.
Read more about our projects
Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Detta är ett fantastiskt projekt på Gansevoorthalvön i Hudson River Park som kommer att resultera i ett nytt rekreationsområde för New York-borna. Området byggdes ursprungligen på...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

Scandinavian Center i Århus erbjuder gratis utomhusträning I Århus finns det gott om möjligheter att motionera och träna utomhus. En av de platser där det är möjligt att träna gratis...

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD träningsutrustning i Tom Lee Park Installationen av NOORDs träningsutrustning i Tom Lee Park främjar inte bara motion och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tom Lee...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

Garden gym equipment

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Garden gym equipment

At Noord, we prioritize that your garden gym equipment is both functional and aesthetic, so it provides effective training but still fits in with the natural surroundings.
Our design is Nordic minimalist and simple, available in more than 180 different colors for your outdoor space.
Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

At Noord we take care of each client, and we would like to learn more about your specific project so that together we can find the best fit for you and incorporate your garden gym equipment in the best possible way.

Weatherproof garden gym equipment

For us, it’s important that you can have your equipment for many years to come without major maintenance. Our equipment, including garden gym equipment, is therefore designed with minimum maintenance and produced according to the highest standards of sustainable production available in the Nordic countries.
In addition, our weatherproof products are neutral, so they fit in for many years to come. A simple and neutral design means that wear and tear is not noticed to the same extent as with other modern designs.
outdoor fitness equipment

Sustainable design with a focus on the details

At Noord, we look every day for sustainable optimization opportunities and how we can help reduce CO2 emissions and make sustainable products for you to enjoy for years to come. This also applies to your garden gym equipment as well as our learning equipment for schools. An outdoor garden gym is therefore the perfect way to incorporate training into your everyday life.

Where can garden gym equipment be placed?

Our garden gym equipment is optimal to place in local parks or other areas in municipalities where there is space for a training area. Choosing a central location in the city is ideal, as this will mean that more people will have the opportunity to use it.

An exercise area can then become a gathering place for locals to strengthen their bodies and exercise in a fun and innovative way. Our facilities can be used by both children and adults, making it a great family activity.

User-friendly equipment for seniors

Studies show that many older people actually prefer to exercise outdoors. It’s a great way to get fresh air and strengthen your body at the same time. It’s important to stay active as we get older as it has many benefits in terms of disease prevention. At the same time, many people find that regular exercise improves their quality of life.

With our garden gym equipment, we can design an exercise area with a focus on how it can be useful for young people, adults and the elderly.

As a outdoor fitness manufacturer we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.

Read more about our projects
Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitnesspark i Roskilde, Danmark

Elegant fitnesspark i Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness har levererat en fitnesspark med träningsredskap för utomhusbruk och wetpour-gummibeläggning till Roskilde kommun i Danmark. Placeringen av parken har valts så att...

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Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

Scandinavian Center i Århus erbjuder gratis utomhusträning I Århus finns det gott om möjligheter att motionera och träna utomhus. En av de platser där det är möjligt att träna gratis...

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Faciliteter för fysisk aktivitet Under 2019 bjöds NOORD in för att bidra till Aktivitetsringen vid Svanemøllen. Målet var att skapa ett projekt där ”utformningen av lekanläggningar och anläggningar för fysisk...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

Kids gymnastics equipment

By Products
Outdoor durable gym equipment for different exercises

Kids gymnastics equipment - High quality products at NOORD

Kids gymnastics equipment can be an educational and fun way to get children active and develop their motor skills. It is often used in schools and institutions to encourage children and young people to have an active everyday life where they can use the training areas together.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

What does kids gymnastics equipment involve?

Kids gymnastics equipment can be various pieces of equipment that are designed to suit them. The focus here is on making the equipment easy and safe for children to use, which can be adjusted in terms of height, among other things.
In addition, it must be able to strengthen children’s basic motor skills and improve their coordination. These are two important aspects of a child’s development, which could be strengthened through an Obstacle Course Race for kids.
calisthenic equipment

Kids gymnastics equipment with room for play

When we design training areas with kids gymnastics equipment, we always focus on how it can be used for fun and safe play. When our products are used in areas where it is intended for an older segment, we focus on how it can be used for effective training.

When it comes to children, it’s more important that it can be a tool for developing fun games that allow them to use their creative imagination. This gives them the space to be kids and allows them to spend a lot of their energy on physical activities.

Find the best equipment at NOORD

At NOORD, you can find high-quality equipment to suit any training area. We take great care to ensure that our equipment is both aesthetically pleasing and functional, so it’s easy to use and fits in with its surroundings.
All our products are made from materials that are extremely hard-wearing and durable. This means they last for many years and require minimal maintenance. This makes them ideal for placement in schools or parks where people can use them to be physically active together.

Kids gymnastics equipment in Danish design

We are proud of our Danish roots and all our products are of Danish designs. In addition, they are also produced in Denmark, where we focus on minimizing our carbon footprint as much as possible.

To provide the best conditions for adapting a training area to the surroundings in which it is placed, you can choose from over 180 colors for the equipment. This makes it suitable for both businesses, schools and public spaces.

Read more about equipment for schools, kindergarten and institutions.

We have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.

Read more about our projects
Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Faciliteter för fysisk aktivitet Under 2019 bjöds NOORD in för att bidra till Aktivitetsringen vid Svanemøllen. Målet var att skapa ett projekt där ”utformningen av lekanläggningar och anläggningar för fysisk...

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Park area with durable fitness equipment from NOORD

Parks with SUDS technology

Stadsparker med SUDS-teknik och träningsutrustning Parker runt om i världen håller på att omvandlas till multifunktionella områden som fungerar både som grönområden och som lokala vattenuppsamlings- och dräneringsanläggningar. Detta sker...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

Scandinavian Center i Århus erbjuder gratis utomhusträning I Århus finns det gott om möjligheter att motionera och träna utomhus. En av de platser där det är möjligt att träna gratis...

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Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Detta är ett fantastiskt projekt på Gansevoorthalvön i Hudson River Park som kommer att resultera i ett nytt rekreationsområde för New York-borna. Området byggdes ursprungligen på...

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor gym equipment from Noord for training at park

Outdoor Gym equipment

By Products
Outdoor durable gym equipment for different exercises
Outdoor Gym - Your leading outdoor fitness equipment specialist

Gym equipment with high functionality and durability, aimed at a wide target group, is used more and more often in construction projects for municipalities, in public areas, schoolyards and at the local association.

At NOORD, we have 30 years of experience with the design and production of gym equipment. and have installed more that 1,700 fitness solutions.

Outdoor gym and fitness equipment by NOORD

Welcome to NOORD Outdoor Fitness – Your ultimate destination for outdoor gym and fitness equipment. 

Experience the future of fitness with NOORD Outdoor Fitness, the premier provider of functional and durable outdoor gym equipment. Our innovative designs and durable construction will elevate workout routines and transform your outdoor space into an active oasis. We have installed more than 1,700 outdoor gym solutions across the globe, and offer a large range of products.

Our unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction and product quality, coupled with our commitment to combating the growing obesity crisis, drives our success.

Our success at NOORD Outdoor Fitness is fueled by three core passions.
First and foremost, we are committed to our customers and end users, ensuring an unparalleled experience.
Secondly, we are obsessed with delivering top-notch quality in all our products.
Lastly, our driving ambition is to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Born from a passion for promoting fitness and well-being, NOORD Outdoor Fitness has been actively contributing to the worlds fitness for decades.

Outdoor workout equipment for calisthenics exercices from Noord

What are the advantages of outdoor gym equipment?

Beyond the obvious perk of enjoying a workout in the fresh air instead of a stuffy gym, there’s a plethora of benefits to discover.

  1. Cost-Free Accessibility: Outdoor gyms in community spaces and public parks are open to the public without any membership fees or binding contracts. Say goodbye to restrictive timings and enjoy the freedom to use outdoor fitness equipment whenever suits your schedule.

  2. Energy-Efficient and Green: Unlike indoor gym equipment that relies on electricity, outdoor gyms are designed to operate solely on the user’s power. This not only saves energy but also encourages people to connect with the green spaces in their communities.

  3. Self-Guided Workouts: No need for an instructor with outdoor fitness equipment. The apparatus is user-friendly and safe, utilizing resistance from the user’s own bodyweight. The public setting promotes sociability, making outdoor gyms perfect for group exercises and fostering strong, healthy communities.

  4. Health in Nature: Exercising outdoors offers more than just muscle strengthening and calorie burning. Bask in extra doses of vitamin D from the sun and experience a mood boost from the fresh air – a holistic approach to well-being that goes beyond traditional gym settings.

Spirer TRX - Public fitness tool by NOORD

Wide range of fitness equipment crafted by sport professionals

NOORD Outdoor Fitness offers an extensive range of outdoor exercise equipment meticulously crafted by sports and exercise professionals.

Our products are engineered to cater to a wide spectrum of fitness goals – whether it’s building strength in major muscle groups, enhancing cardiovascular fitness, or improving flexibility, balance, and coordination.

Each item undergoes testing, surpassing the required standards for quality assurance.

With robust and durable construction, our gyms are backed by substantial guarantees, ensuring a lasting investment that stands the test of time.

Horizontal Ladder Double - Outdoor obstacles to train for free and without limitations

Get fit, have Fun: Dive into our adult outdoor gym equipment

Discover over 30 unique pieces of outdoor fitness equipment and obstacle course race products at NOORD Outdoor Fitness, offering the perfect canvas to create customized outdoor gym experiences for adults. This diverse range caters to everything from playful aerobic exercises to serious muscle building, ensuring each outdoor gym is precisely tailored to meet user requirements.

Consider a student on a university or college campus, opting for the challenging Monkey Bar or the Network of Wires. In areas with aging populations, older adults may find the Spirer Stairs or Spirer 700 more beneficial. NOORD Outdoor Fitness guarantees that each outdoor gym is a perfect fit for the user’s needs.

Physical exercise not only improves fitness, stamina, and strength but also provides a chance to play and have fun. Our outdoor gym equipment is designed to be sociable, fostering connections among users.

For instance, the Spirer 700 and Spirer 1800 allow face-to-face exercises for motivation and conversation. The Jungle Walk which challenges and invite to a competitive match between friends of who overcomes the obstacle first. The Spirer Double Monkey Bar or Spirer Arched Monkey Bar takes sociability to the next level, enabling 10 people to use the equipment at once – perfect for teams or groups of friends looking to stay active while catching up and using accessories like TRX.

Children's Outdoor Gym Equipment

Outdoor gyms are like wonderlands for cultivating healthy, active children. They provide the perfect stepping stone from playground adventures to using real gym equipment, ensuring that young muscles stay strong and a lifelong love for exercise blossoms.

At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, we’ve got the little ones covered too. For the younger kiddos in primary school, we’ve crafted pint-sized versions of our most-loved equipment. Think Children’s Air Skier, Children’s Cardio Combi, and Children’s Monkey Bars – specially designed for those early fitness explorations.

As kids grow into their senior school and college years, it’s time to level up to the adult-sized gym gear. The Parallel Gym Bars, Twist & Step, Big Rig, and the Air Walker are all the rage for this age group, offering the perfect mix of challenge and fun. 

A Journey to Cardiovascular Wellness

Cardiovascular exercise is the secret sauce for a healthy heart – it gets that blood pumping, keeping your cardiovascular system in top-notch shape. And here’s the prescription: doctors recommend a weekly dose of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise to keep your ticker in tip-top condition.

At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, we’ve got your heart’s back with over 20 outdoor fitness equipment options tailored for cardiovascular workouts. Think classics like the Bicycle and Cross-country Skier or kick it up a notch with the adventurous Air Skier and Arm and Pedal Bike. Whether you’re on a mission for a heart-healthy routine or looking to add a dash of excitement to your workout, we’ve got just the thing for you.

Unleashing the Benefits of Resistance Training

Resistance training is the key to building robust muscles and enduring strength, achieved by lifting, pulling, or pushing against resistance. Whether it’s the force of gravity, weights, or your own body weight, these exercises pave the way for a stronger, more resilient you.

Step into a realm of targeted muscle empowerment with our top picks for outdoor gym equipment tailored for resistance training. Engage your upper body with the Resistance Bicep Curl, Resistance Shoulder Press, and the mighty Resistance Bench Press. And for a leg day like no other, challenge yourself with the Resistance Stepper, the commanding Resistance Leg Press, and the empowering Resistance Squat Station.

Enhance Flexibility and Balance with NOORD Outdoor Fitness

Certain exercises bring a dual benefit, offering not just a workout but an improvement in flexibility and balance. Integrating these exercises into your routine can enhance the body’s range of motion in joints, providing a protective shield against falls and injuries. At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, we bring you a selection of 24 outdoor gym equipment pieces dedicated to fostering balance and flexibility.

Improve your coordination with the Hip Twister, Double Air Walker, and the ever-popular Balance Beams. Dive into exercises like the T’ai Chi Spinners and Elliptical Cross Trainer to promote flexibility in your joints and muscles, steering clear of stiffness and its associated issues.

Wire Obstacle Double - Obstacle Course Racing in public parks and green areas

Fitness Journey with Strength Training

Strength training is your key to fortifying muscle strength, building mass, and safeguarding bone density. These exercises are not just about raw power – they combat weakness, fragility, and significantly lower the risk of osteoporosis while reducing the chances of injury. At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, our outdoor strength equipment, including the robust Big Rig, Self-Weighted Rower, and Sit Up Benches, is designed to sculpt essential strength.

Engage your body’s natural strength with equipment like the Chin Up Bars, Parallel Bars, and Horizontal Ladder, relying on your own body weight to foster resilience. Step into a realm where strength isn’t just a goal; it’s a journey toward a more robust and injury-resistant you.

Spirer Parallel Bar - Outdoor equipment for calisthenics exercises
Case studies

Hudson River Park Manhattan - Green oasis in the city

A globally renowned architectural firm has opted for NOORD’s outdoor fitness equipment for an upcoming project. The designated space will feature gardens, promenades, and a fitness area, with the architect selecting NOORD’s powder-coated outdoor fitness gear. This equipment, renowned for being weatherproof and devoid of any removable parts such as screws or bolts, ensures resistance to vandalism.

Part of NOORD’s Spirer series, the fitness equipment for this project is meticulously crafted to blend aesthetics with functionality, creating appealing exercise zones in residential areas, school playgrounds, and public parks. Tailored for public spaces, it emphasizes training with body weight, minimizing the risk of overuse injuries. Versatile and inclusive, this equipment caters to individuals of all genders, ages, and fitness levels.

Architects, including those from renowned firms like James Corner Field Operations, often turn to outdoor fitness equipment, especially in the design of public parks, urban spaces, rooftops, or any area intended for diverse audiences to exercise in the open air.

Berlin, "Das Minsk" is the reconstruction of the terrace restaurant from the GDR era

At the foot of the Minsk Museum, the Brauhausberg terraces have also been recreated in the style of the GDR model. The terraces form a beautiful entrance from the station to Brauhausberg and offer an unobstructed view of ‘Das Minsk’. Three large terraces with fountains, lawns and a playground have been created on the approximately 6,000 square metre area between the art museum “Das Minsk”, the swimming centre “blu” and the Leipziger Dreieck. Each of the lawns has a fountain in one corner and two further fountains flank the staircase to “Das Minsk”, creating a special entrance for visitors to the museum. The central square is now reminiscent of the square of the former GDR.  

Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Read more about our projects
Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj utomhuspool

Bellahøjs utomhuspool får ny gummibeläggning Förbättrad simupplevelse: Den uppgraderade utomhuspoolen Bellahøj erbjuder nu en förbättrad simupplevelse med en ny halkfri och genomsläpplig gummibeläggning. Denna uppgradering ger ett extra lager av...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

Bytorv i Postdam fick utomhusträningsutrustning Vi på NOORD är glada över att vara representerade på detta magnifika nya torg i Potsdam, som är både ett historiskt och modernt utrymme som...

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Bingfield Park

Ny och förbättrad park med utrustning från NOORD Tillskottet av NOORDs träningsutrustning främjar inte bara fysisk aktivitet och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tillskottet av olika...

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