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outdoor fitness equipment

Park furniture

Find the perfect park furniture at NOORD – Aesthetic outdoor gym equipment with minimal maintenance. We offer high quality equipment within the highest standards.

Create activity and interaction outdoors with the right eqiupment.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

Noord helps you find the perfect setup with your park furniture. Contact us for advice and guidance on your project, and together we will find the best solution.

We offer 3D drawings of your project in advance so you can visualize your park or outdoor area.

Customized unique outdoor areas with fitness equipment

With the right park furniture, equipment and activities, you can create a space for socializing and physical activity for locals. Our catalog offers a wide variety of installations and equipment, all created in a simple and elegant design that can be produced in more than 180 shades and colors. This gives you the opportunity to integrate your park furniture with its surroundings.

Our team includes architects, designers and craftsmen who work every day to set up this outdoor training equipment. We also produce OCR products, equipment for schools and institutions and much more. All in collaboration with outdoor fitness manufacturers such as ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.

outdoor fitness equipment

Sustainable design solutions at park furniture

We have a strong focus on sustainability, whether it’s in our design, expression, production or partners. Our production takes place in Scandinavia, which also means that your park furniture is produced under the highest standards.

In addition, our products are created weatherproof and with minimal maintenance, so they last for many years to come. Our primary mission with products like these is to create social sustainability and activity in nature.

Find inspiration from our previous cases or the gallery to get an insight into our previous work and results.


Read more about our projects
Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Faciliteter för fysisk aktivitet Under 2019 bjöds NOORD in för att bidra till Aktivitetsringen vid Svanemøllen. Målet var att skapa ett projekt där ”utformningen av lekanläggningar och anläggningar för fysisk...

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Park area with durable fitness equipment from NOORD

Parks with SUDS technology

Stadsparker med SUDS-teknik och träningsutrustning Parker runt om i världen håller på att omvandlas till multifunktionella områden som fungerar både som grönområden och som lokala vattenuppsamlings- och dräneringsanläggningar. Detta sker...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

Bytorv i Postdam fick utomhusträningsutrustning Vi på NOORD är glada över att vara representerade på detta magnifika nya torg i Potsdam, som är både ett historiskt och modernt utrymme som...

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Bingfield Park

Ny och förbättrad park med utrustning från NOORD Tillskottet av NOORDs träningsutrustning främjar inte bara fysisk aktivitet och välbefinnande utan förbättrar också parkens övergripande attraktivitet och funktionalitet. Tillskottet av olika...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.
